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The autumn of fallen leaves is over. You can visit the Great Lakes, egrets, wetland scenery, and the best travel list in winter

2019-11-11 10:35Source:

The temperature of the cruise ship going to the Great Lakes is higher than that of the previous years. The sun father-in-law often comes out to show his face. The sunshine on his body is warm. He sits on the boat with his legs crossed, blowing the right breeze and enjoying the different sceneries on both sides. Under the impact of the new vision, people seem to have been renewed all of a sudden.

Habits: like paddy field, river bank, beach and other coastal streams. Eat in groups, often mixed with other birds. Sometimes they fly over the coast and shallow water to hunt for prey, and they gather together with other partners to camp at night.

Food: mainly small fish and shrimp, frogs, locusts and so on.

Under the brilliant sky
It stands alone on the top of a stake in the lake
It looks both martial and leisurely
It's a very difficult look for other birds
It's like escorting this lake area
Watch out for the lake
It's like the guardian God of this lake area

When you enter the Great Lakes area, you will fall in love with this place from the first time you see it. Please believe me, there is no exception! At that moment, it seems to enter another world. The vast front is beyond our vision. We can't see the end at a glance From time to time, three or two groups of egrets skim over the top of their heads, or fly low on the calm water to draw circles, or fly freely in the air It makes the original quiet painting add new vitality.

What the endless Honghu Lake brings us is no filter effect, like the picture in the glass frame, the water and the sky are the same, so it can't be moved. Only when we are in the real world can we find that "in front of nature, we are really too small"

On the way back, I was enjoying the sunset, listening to the classic old song "the waves of Honghu Lake" which is familiar to people after 60 or 70, and the laughter of my friends from the shipyard from time to time. How wonderful and wonderful I feel now.