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2019 Honghu ecotourism scenic spot creation 4A mobilization meeting and tourism company staff meeting

2019-04-01 10:05Source:

In the afternoon of March 28, 2019, all staff of Honghu eco-tourism scenic spot held the 4A mobilization meeting and the staff meeting of the tourism company in the conference room of Lianhua hotel.
1、 In order to protect the ecological environment and promote the red revolutionary spirit of Honghu Lake, the standardization of 4A scenic spot application will be regarded as the core work goal in 2019, with the mission of creating comfortable tourism experience value, make a good tourism construction project planning of the scenic spot, further rely on the existing resource advantages and industrial advantages, and deeply tap the red culture, wetland ecological culture, industrial culture and people Cultural landscape, tourism shopping and other elements will build Honghu eco-tourism scenic spot into the first choice destination and boutique tourist attraction of red tourism scenic spot.
2、 Strictly implement standardized operation, strengthen staff service awareness, service quality, safety production training, and ensure the safe and stable operation and production of the company. The meeting announced the establishment of the company's safety team, clear safety regulations and responsibilities, and required the company's quality inspection team to strictly implement all quality inspection work, strengthen the standard operation of all departments of the company, and use standardized management to better and faster achieve the company's strategic objectives.
At the meeting, leaders of the company thoroughly implemented the work policy of tourism standardization, required all employees to standardize the operation of safety services, ensure the successful completion of the goal of "creating 4A" in the scenic spot, and bring better and better services and tourism experience to tourists.