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Lotus leaf tea
Lotus leaf tea, also known as "Lotus money tea", originated from Wen Yiduo, a famous patriotic poet, Chen Kang, the top scholar of the Qing Dynasty, and Wang Tianhu, the hometown of Yao Ge, the Prime Minister of the Ming Dynasty. It's said that Chen Kang took office in Beijing during the Jiaqing period and brought a little local lotus leaf tea. Lotus leaf tea is mainly based on lotus leaf.
According to the ancient and modern Chinese medicine (food) classics such as compendium of Materia Medica, Diet Manual of living with rest, Chinese herbal tea recipe, lotus core and lotus leaf have the functions of clearing heart fire, calming liver fire, purging spleen fire, lowering lung fire, clearing heat and nourishing spirit, reducing blood pressure and diuresis, accumulating liquid and stopping perspiration, hemostasis and consolidating essence. "Lotus leaves lose weight, make people thin and inferior", China has regarded lotus leaves as a good medicine for slimming since ancient times. In hospitals, fat patients are still allowed to drink lotus leaf tea.
1. Heat clearing, heat relieving and heat relieving are suitable for life, and stasis removing and hemostasis are suitable for charcoal frying.
2. Fresh people are good at clearing away summer heat evil. They are often used in combination with fresh Huoxiang, fresh Peilan and watermelon Cuiyi.
3. It can not only clear away heat and relieve summer heat, but also promote Spleen Yang. It has good effect on the treatment of summer heat diarrhea, and is often used in combination with lentils.
4. In addition, for spleen deficiency, qi depression and diarrhea, they can also be added to spleen and stomach tonic drugs.
[lotus leaf is suitable for people] those who are thin and weak in Qi and blood should take it with caution.
[properties] it contains alkaloids, flavonoid glycosides and organic acids.
[purpose] it is used for hot and thirsty, spleen deficiency and little food, diarrhea, hematemesis, bleeding, hematochezia and metrorrhagia.
[usage] decoct soup, make tea, cook porridge and rice.
Cooking ingredients. Take its fragrance, add flavor and remove greasiness. It is often used to bake or wrap dishes, such as steamed chicken with lotus leaf or rice with lotus leaf.
Lotus leaf is afraid of tung oil and silver.
1. It's better to have strong tea to lose weight.
2. It is best to drink it on an empty stomach before meals, which is most conducive to defecation and elimination of edema.
3. You can drink about 3-4 cups a day, divided into time periods, before three meals and during tea time.
4. You don't need to go on a diet during tea drinking, because after a period of time, your interest in food will naturally change, and many people don't like meat and fat food very much.
5. Lotus leaf tea can be made directly without boiling for about 5 minutes.
6. You don't have to drink hot tea. If it's cold, it doesn't affect the effect. It tastes better when it's iced in summer. Don't drink it cold in winter.
7. Different formula, brand and specification of lotus leaf tea have different drinking methods. So treat them separately.
8. Generally speaking, it needs to be drunk many times. Drink between two meals. Don't drink lotus leaf tea at the same time during the meal to avoid affecting food digestion.
9. Women are suspended from drinking during menstruation.
matters needing attention:
Lotus leaf has antipyretic, antibacterial and antispasmodic effects. After processing, the lotus leaves taste bitter, slightly salty, pungent and cool. It has the functions of clearing heat and promoting dampness, Promoting Yang and dispersing, removing blood stasis and hemostasis, and has certain curative effect on many kinds of diseases. However, we must pay attention to the following points when drinking lotus leaf tea: the property of lotus leaf tea is cold. It is suggested to drink it in Juewu soup instead of tea with cassia seed, oolong tea and other ingredients, and it is not suitable for women during menstruation. People with deficiency of spleen and stomach should not drink lotus leaf tea. Those with thin body and weak Qi and blood should take it with caution. Drink lotus leaf tea should also have a degree, not excessive drinking, thin body Qi and blood weak people carefully take. Lotus leaf tea can't be used as weight-loss tea alone, please don't drink it for a long time.