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Lotus heart tea
Lotus heart tea, lotus seed core is lotus seed heart, also known as job's tears, job's tears and lotus heart. It was first seen in "edible Materia Medica" at the end of Tang Dynasty. It is the dry embryo in the mature seeds of lotus, a perennial aquatic plant of water lily family. When harvesting lotus seeds in autumn, peel the lotus seeds, take out the green embryo (lotus heart), and dry them in the sun. The nutritional value of lotus seed heart is very high. We can often use some lotus seeds as a good food in our daily life. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records the heart of lotus seed: "bitter, cold, non-toxic. "It can be seen that the lotus seed heart has been paid attention to in ancient times and its efficacy has also been recognized.
Efficacy and function:
1. Clear the heart and remove heat. Lotus core has a very good effect of removing heart fire, can treat mouth and tongue sores, and help sleep.
2. Treat constipation. Drink with lotus seed core, can treat constipation.
3. Nourish the heart and brain. Lotus seed has the effect of nourishing heart and brain. Middle aged and old people, especially mental workers, often eat it, which can strengthen brain, memory, improve work efficiency, and prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.
4. Depressurize. Lotus seed core has a very bitter taste, but has a significant heart strengthening effect, can expand peripheral blood vessels, reduce blood pressure.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, lotus seed has a cool and bitter heart, which can clear heart fire, reduce blood pressure, stop sweating and nourish the mind. It is suitable for people with high blood pressure, dizziness, upset and insomnia, drowsiness and night sweat.
Growth environment:
It is mainly composed of low mountains and hills with an altitude of 600-1000m. Hills are continuous, valleys and basins are interspersed. Mountains and hills account for more than 80% of the total area of the province, which is known as "eight mountains, one water and one field". The annual temperature is abnormally high, the precipitation is abnormally high, warm winter appears in winter, the temperature in summer is normal, the tropical cyclone is active, the temperature in autumn is significantly high, the average annual precipitation is 2047.9mm, 436.2mm more, and the average annual temperature is 15.7 ℃. It is an ideal planting area of Lianxin tea.
Pharmacological action:
Lianxin tea has the following functions:
1. Calming the mind and strengthening the essence
The modern people's life rhythm speeds up, the spirit is tense, the woman is easy to be neurasthenic, upset and insomnia. Men are prone to fatigue, anxiety, heart and kidney failure, and lethargy. The lotus heart has a good effect of clearing heart and tranquilizing mind, communicating heart and kidney, strengthening essence and hemostasis, which is very suitable for modern people to drink.
2. Heat clearing and fire reduction
The lotus heart is bitter and cold. According to the records of "renewing the materia medica", lotus core can "clear the heart fire, calm the liver fire, purge the spleen fire, lower the lung fire, clear the heat and remove the annoyance, and promote the production of saliva to quench thirst", which has a good effect of clearing the heat and reducing the fire.
3. Antihypertensive effect
The release of histamine can dilate the peripheral blood vessels of human body and obviously reduce blood pressure.
4. Cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic and anti myocardial ischemia effects
According to the Handbook of modern Chinese medicine pharmacology published by Chinese medicine, the alkaloids contained in lotus seed core have significant cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic and anti myocardial ischemia effects. The anti myocardial ischemia test showed that the total alkaloid of lotus seed could reduce the scope of myocardial infarction (P < 0.05).
5. Anti aging effect
Modern science has proved that active free radicals are harmful to human health. One of the main causes of human aging is the peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids caused by active free radicals. The lianxine contained in lianxine has the function of antioxidant free radicals, which can inhibit cell lipid peroxidation and eliminate active free radicals. Regular drinking of lianxine tea is helpful to delay.